The totally free and easy Secret Santa tool

Privacy policy

Who we are is developed and maintained by Wordshop Limited, a small business based in Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand. Our website address is:


This website may use cookies to improve your experience.

Your personal data

We do not store any of the data you type into Any names, rules, or generated files exist locally on your own device, and are never saved in our servers.

Google Ads

We may serve you ads generated automatically by Google AdSense. These are ads for third party websites and have no affilitaion with or Wordshop Limited. Google may automatically collect data about your ad viewing and clicks, but this is not controlled by or Wordshop Limited. We cannot control which ads appear on our website, though we may be able to block certain ads. If you would like to complain about an ad or request that we block it, please write to

What rights you have over your data

Please be aware that, while you have the right to request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us, this will always result in an empty file because we do not store any user data. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you, but again, this is a fruitless exercise becasue we do not store any of your data.